Saturday, December 5, 2009

Commission FAQ

I never think I'd make it this far in a 'translator' world.. -_-a

But, since I've decided to start taking up commission project, might as well set up a few boundaries and whatnot..
So, here's the deal :

1. What kind of project I can accept as a commission ?
While I prefer a full H-manga project, I can't be too choosy where a 'customer' is involved now, can I ? Just, please.. no yaoi >,<
I can stand almost any fetish and the disgusting stuff, and yes I HAVE seen disgusting stuff..
While a single chapter request is fine, I'd like to keep them at minimum if I could.. When I work on some title(s), I'd prefer to finish the whole thing !
It saddens me that there's so many 'partially' translated H-manga out there, never to be finished =(.
A doujin is fine as well..

2. My price ?
I think for starters, about 1.2$/page. Naturally, it would also depends on the volume of the text & editing required..
By the way, I can only receive payment via PayPal. 

3. How do this works ?
Just send me an e-mail at about the stuff you want me to do with their download link/torrent/whatever so I can grab it, then I'll get back to you with the prices and stuff..

For normal commission :
If we got a deal, then I'll get to it ASAP. Usually I can finish a full manga in 10 days or so...
Once it's complete, I'll notify you and you must pay me in full before I send you the completed stuff. After that, I'll wait for a month if you want to make any changes or whatever you think necessary.

For requesting a 'donor' project :
If we got a deal, I expect you to pay at least 30% of the total sum up-front before I can declare this as a donor project, then everybody else may help fund the title at later time..
For the time being, I'm planning to allocate any anonymous donation/title-less payment to these project at my will.
I don't know how well I can manage to do this though..

That's all I can think for now..

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